Many adults have some form of periodontal or gum disease. Our dentists along with their trained and experienced hygiene team will evaluate the health of your gums and initiate treatment necessary to improve overall health of your teeth and gums.
Unfortunately not all teeth can be restored or saved, and seriously unhealthy or diseased teeth should be removed. Nitrous oxide sedation can help to reduce anxiety.
Root Canals
Root canals are performed in an effort to save the tooth and can often be done in one appointment. Infected and diseased nerves are removed and the empty space is then filled with an inert material.
Nitrous Oxide sedation, or “laughing gas”, reduces the anxiety and fear often associated with dentistry. This safe sedation can be used to help relax patients for most dental procedures.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is a pill or liquid that is taken by mouth. The medication is used in addition to nitrous oxide and takes approximately one hour to take effect. This is used to help relieve dental anxiety and fear.